manufacturer: Tcez
Category: Cutters
product #: 12636
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Shears for cutting sheet metal discs are adapted to cooperate with all types of bending machines and the instrument.
13,06zł 16,37zł
Armacell - a riveting machine
232,61zł 300,24zł
Armacell - a set of knives + whetstone
14,30zł 18,82zł
Armacell - aluminum cuff
99,62zł 124,83zł
Armacell - Arma-Chek Silver self-adhesive aluminum tape
434,77zł 561,16zł
Armacell - Armafinish 99 paint
47,23zł 61,06zł
Armacell - Armaflex ACE self-adhesive rubber tape
66,79zł 138,19zł
Armacell - buffer tube Tubolit AR Fonoblock coils
33,84zł 43,55zł
Armacell - Duct adhesive tape
11,91zł 14,92zł
Armacell - galvanized wire
14,38zł 19,48zł
Armacell - PVC adhesive tape
93,69zł 119,62zł
Armacell - Tubolit AR Fonoblock adhesive tape
875,45zł 1 190,03zł
Dorken - vapor barrier film with aluminum Delta-Reflex screen roll
10,52zł 11,07zł
Eurovent - Alufix tape
416,60zł 442,80zł
Isover - Orstech DP 100 Alu mineral wool mat TECH Wired Mat MT 5.1 Alu1
145,79zł 155,44zł
K-Flex - K-flex AL Clad 4W Premium tape
74,55zł 99,04zł
Kaimann - Kaiflex ST Protect ALU-TEC lagging
8 889,21zł 8 979,00zł
Maad - folding machine ZG - 2500/1
1 217,70zł 1 230,00zł
Maad - NK shears - 0.8
3 653,10zł 3 690,00zł
Maad - ZB - 1.5 moulder
5 114,34zł 5 166,00zł
Maad - ZG folding machine - 2000 / 0.7
18,12zł 30,87zł
NMC - Climaflex PVC tape
4,72zł 9,62zł
NMC - Climaflex Stabil lagging
1 039,35zł 2 118,68zł
NMC - Climaflex Stabil White cover
35,41zł 60,36zł
NMC - cuff - aluminum end rosette
19,22zł 26,49zł
Paroc - Hvac Section AluCoat T lagging
20,10zł 27,70zł
Paroc - knee padding Hvac Bend AluCoat T.
601,42zł 620,02zł
Paroc - Mat Pro Wired Mat 100 AL1
506,88zł 522,55zł
Paroc - Mat Pro Wired Mat 80 AL1
259,78zł 310,70zł
Rockwool - Alu Lamella mat
13,32zł 21,39zł
Steinbacher Isoterm - PUR sheath on the knee in PVC sheathing Steinonorm 375
11,25zł 28,43zł
Steinbacher Izoterm - PUR lagging in a Steinonorm 310 PVC film jacket
2 876,97zł 2 975,37zł
Tcez - ZS-1000 seam kneading machine
5 714,58zł 5 908,92zł
Tcez - ZWR / MB-60 plate rolling machine
84,01zł 92,52zł
Xplo - protective coat made of acid-resistant steel - knee
155,77zł 171,55zł
Xplo - protective coat made of acid-resistant steel sheet - pipe
315,29zł 347,23zł
Xplo - protective coat made of aluminum sheet - hood with collar
21,32zł 23,48zł
Xplo - protective coat made of aluminum sheet - knee
31,88zł 35,12zł
Xplo - protective coat made of galvanized steel sheet - connector
46,06zł 50,74zł
Xplo - protective coat made of galvanized steel sheet - flashing, overflow, passing
227,40zł 250,44zł
Xplo - protective coat made of galvanized steel sheet - hood with collar
18,70zł 20,59zł
Xplo - protective coat made of galvanized steel sheet - knee
27,99zł 29,48zł
Xplo - protective coat made of galvanized steel sheet - pipe